1. With the experience of knowing the academic levels (more than 10 years) that are needed in each course to be able to enter the Universities, these free access applications have been created.2. We believe that the opportunities to study in a university (public or private) should be with equal opportunities.3. We believe that high school students with the help of these free App are able to take any university entrance exam.4. The student community at the high school level should not waste their time and money in college academies in order to enter a university.5. We seek a high academic level at the secondary level from 1 to 5 for free6. In order to use these academic applications, they do not need to be connected to the Internet.7. We have taken into account the agenda of the prospectuses of the different universities to create these App8. You will find in this (Free Pre-University and University Courses - group in FB) group of applications information on national and international university careers and trends.